Source code for golemflavor.misc

# author : S. Mandalia
# date   : March 17, 2018

Misc functions for the BSM flavor ratio analysis

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import errno
import multiprocessing
from fractions import gcd

import argparse
from operator import attrgetter
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np

from golemflavor.enums import str_enum
from golemflavor.enums import DataType, Likelihood, Texture

[docs]class SortingHelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): """Sort argparse help options alphabetically.""" def add_arguments(self, actions): actions = sorted(actions, key=attrgetter('option_strings')) super(SortingHelpFormatter, self).add_arguments(actions)
def solve_ratio(fr): denominator = reduce(gcd, fr) f = [int(x/denominator) for x in fr] allow = (1, 2, 0) if f[0] not in allow or f[1] not in allow or f[2] not in allow: return '{0:.2f}_{1:.2f}_{2:.2f}'.format(fr[0], fr[1], fr[2]) else: return '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(f[0], f[1], f[2]) def gen_identifier(args): f = '_DIM{0}'.format(args.dimension) f += '_sfr_' + solve_ratio(args.source_ratio) if in [DataType.ASIMOV, DataType.REALISATION]: f += '_mfr_' + solve_ratio(args.injected_ratio) if args.texture is not Texture.NONE: f += '_{0}'.format(str_enum(args.texture)) return f
[docs]def gen_outfile_name(args): """Generate a name for the output file based on the input args. Parameters ---------- args : argparse argparse object to print """ return args.outfile + gen_identifier(args)
[docs]def parse_bool(s): """Parse a string to a boolean. Parameters ---------- s : str String to parse Returns ---------- bool Examples ---------- >>> from misc import parse_bool >>> print(parse_bool('true')) True """ if s.lower() == 'true': return True elif s.lower() == 'false': return False else: raise ValueError
def parse_enum(e): return '{0}'.format(e).split('.')[1].lower() def enum_parse(s, c): return c[s.upper()] def make_dir(outfile): try: os.makedirs(outfile[:-len(os.path.basename(outfile))]) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(outfile[:-len(os.path.basename(outfile))]): pass else: raise def remove_option(parser, arg): for action in parser._actions: if (vars(action)['option_strings'] and vars(action)['option_strings'][0] == arg) \ or vars(action)['dest'] == arg: parser._remove_action(action) for action in parser._action_groups: vars_action = vars(action) var_group_actions = vars_action['_group_actions'] for x in var_group_actions: if x.dest == arg: var_group_actions.remove(x) return def seed_parse(s): if s.lower() == 'none': return None else: return int(s) def thread_type(t): if t.lower() == 'max': return multiprocessing.cpu_count() else: return int(t) def thread_factors(t): for x in reversed(range(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(t)))+1)): if t%x == 0: return (x, int(t/x)) def centers(x): return (x[:-1]+x[1:])*0.5 def get_units(dimension): if dimension == 3: return r' / \:{\rm GeV}' if dimension == 4: return r'' if dimension == 5: return r' / \:{\rm GeV}^{-1}' if dimension == 6: return r' / \:{\rm GeV}^{-2}' if dimension == 7: return r' / \:{\rm GeV}^{-3}' if dimension == 8: return r' / \:{\rm GeV}^{-4}' def calc_nbins(x): n = (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) / (2 * len(x)**(-1./3) * (np.percentile(x, 75) - np.percentile(x, 25))) return np.floor(n) def calc_bins(x): nbins = calc_nbins(x) return np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x)+2, num=nbins+1)
[docs]def most_likely(arr): """Return the densest region given a 1D array of data.""" binning = calc_bins(arr) harr = np.histogram(arr, binning)[0] return centers(binning)[np.argmax(harr)]
[docs]def interval(arr, percentile=68.): """Returns the *percentile* shortest interval around the mode.""" center = most_likely(arr) sarr = sorted(arr) delta = np.abs(sarr - center) curr_low = np.argmin(delta) curr_up = curr_low npoints = len(sarr) while curr_up - curr_low < percentile/100.*npoints: if curr_low == 0: curr_up += 1 elif curr_up == npoints-1: curr_low -= 1 elif sarr[curr_up]-sarr[curr_low-1] < sarr[curr_up+1]-sarr[curr_low]: curr_low -= 1 elif sarr[curr_up]-sarr[curr_low-1] > sarr[curr_up+1]-sarr[curr_low]: curr_up += 1 elif (curr_up - curr_low) % 2: # they are equal so step half of the time up and down curr_low -= 1 else: curr_up += 1 return sarr[curr_low], center, sarr[curr_up]
def myround(x, base=2, up=False, down=False): if up == down and up is True: assert 0 if up: return int(base * np.round(float(x)/base-0.5)) elif down: return int(base * np.round(float(x)/base+0.5)) else: int(base * np.round(float(x)/base))