Source code for golemflavor.mcmc

# author : S. Mandalia
# date   : March 17, 2018

Useful functions to use an MCMC for the BSM flavor ratio analysis

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
from functools import partial

import emcee
if 'ipykernel' in sys.modules:
    from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
    from tqdm import tqdm

import numpy as np

from golemflavor.enums import MCMCSeedType
from golemflavor.misc import enum_parse, make_dir, parse_bool

[docs]def mcmc(p0, ln_prob, ndim, nwalkers, burnin, nsteps, threads=1): """Run the MCMC.""" sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( nwalkers, ndim, ln_prob, threads=threads ) print("Running burn-in") for result in tqdm(sampler.sample(p0, iterations=burnin), total=burnin): pos, prob, state = result sampler.reset() print("Finished burn-in") print("Running") for _ in tqdm(sampler.sample(pos, iterations=nsteps), total=nsteps): pass print("Finished") samples = sampler.chain.reshape((-1, ndim)) print('acceptance fraction', sampler.acceptance_fraction) print('sum of acceptance fraction', np.sum(sampler.acceptance_fraction)) print('np.unique(samples[:,0]).shape', np.unique(samples[:,0]).shape) try: print('autocorrelation', sampler.acor) except: print('WARNING : NEED TO RUN MORE SAMPLES') return samples
def mcmc_argparse(parser): parser.add_argument( '--run-mcmc', type=parse_bool, default='True', help='Run the MCMC' ) parser.add_argument( '--burnin', type=int, default=100, help='Amount to burnin' ) parser.add_argument( '--nwalkers', type=int, default=60, help='Number of walkers' ) parser.add_argument( '--nsteps', type=int, default=2000, help='Number of steps to run' ) parser.add_argument( '--mcmc-seed-type', default='uniform', type=partial(enum_parse, c=MCMCSeedType), choices=MCMCSeedType, help='Type of distrbution to make the initial MCMC seed' ) parser.add_argument( '--plot-angles', type=parse_bool, default='False', help='Plot MCMC triangle in the angles space' ) parser.add_argument( '--plot-elements', type=parse_bool, default='False', help='Plot MCMC triangle in the mixing elements space' )
[docs]def flat_seed(paramset, nwalkers): """Get gaussian seed values for the MCMC.""" ndim = len(paramset) low = np.array(paramset.seeds).T[0] high = np.array(paramset.seeds).T[1] p0 = np.random.uniform( low=low, high=high, size=[nwalkers, ndim] ) return p0
[docs]def gaussian_seed(paramset, nwalkers): """Get gaussian seed values for the MCMC.""" ndim = len(paramset) p0 = np.random.normal( paramset.values, paramset.stds, size=[nwalkers, ndim] ) return p0
[docs]def save_chains(chains, outfile): """Save the chains. Parameters ---------- chains : numpy ndarray MCMC chains to save outfile : str Output file location of chains """ if outfile[-4:] == '.npy': of = outfile else: of = outfile + '.npy' make_dir(outfile) print('Saving chains to location {0}'.format(outfile+'.npy'))'.npy', chains)